» Community Elists
:: Easy to manage email tools for schoold PTSAs and communities. Setup elists and stay in communication with the community. Safe and secure email and elist management for schools, PTSAs, communities and non-profit organisations.
:: www: http://www.ptsamail.com/
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:: Of all the learning Japanese programs I have come across, my favorite is "Rocket Japanese". This the program for learning Japanese in least time possible.
:: www: http://learnjapanesequickly.com/
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» Education Resources for Primary Schools
:: Successfully embedding Enterprise Education into the curriculum of a school and making Enterprise Education sustainable is key to increasing attainment levels schools.
There is now sufficient evidence from schools who have allocated sufficient education resources to Enterprise Education and included Enterprise in lesson plans across the curriculum that attainment levels have increased as the lessons have become more engaging and have helped to keep otherwise disaffected pupils motivated. Evidence from schools supports the view that educational fun can improve learning and retention levels.
:: www: http://www.e4a.org.uk/
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» Diplomarama
:: A diploma represents years of hard work, dedication, and passion. Whether it's a diploma for your GED, high school, college or even an online course, it's something to treasure and hang on your walls for all to see.
:: www: http://www.diplomarama.com/
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» Save Our Seas
:: A great website based on the global marine. Amazing photographs, interesting information, free ebooks, podcasts and lots more....
:: www: http://www.saveourseas.com/
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