UPVC Double Glazed Doors
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Title: UPVC Double Glazed Doors

URL: http://www.perthdoubleglazing.com.au/

Description: All of our residential double glazed doors are constructed using brilliant white Kommerling uPVC. They have welded corner and transom joints. The frames are made from impact resistant uPVC and steel reinforced for added strength. All beading is integral for added security and means that the glazed unit can only be removed from the inside. We use a Yale multi point locking system which has eight locking points and Yale key locking cylinders. We can provide our residential doors as either single leafy of french doors. And you can rest assured with our 10 year guarantee that we provide with all products manufactured by us.

Keywords: perth,double,glazing.windows,doors,glazed

Site added: 2008-04-01 04:15:31

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